Introduction to PAS 99: Integrated Management System Standard

In this article we talk about Introduction to PAS 99: Integrated Management System Standard. PAS 99 was developed to enable organizations to integrate the requirements of a common management system within a unified framework. The 2006 version of PAS 99 was designed to facilitate this integration, while the 2012 version aligns with the structure of the ISO Guide 83. It sets a common structure followed by all advancing management system standards.

Design and Efficiency of Management Systems

Management systems are designed to increase organizational value by saving resources, time, and costs. Developed based on ISO standards for writing management system standards, PAS 99 provides a unified framework created by the British Standards Institution (BSI). This framework aids in the skilled management of all ISO-certified systems. PAS 99 evolved in response to the need for a reference document for implementing a genuine and effective integrated management system.

Market Confusion Before PAS 99

Prior to the release of PAS 99, there was market confusion regarding what should be considered an integrated management system. Organizations could only merge reference documents (guidelines, procedures, etc.), which was far from a true integrated management system and inadequate for many organizations.

PAS 99:2006 and PAS 99:2012

PAS 99:2006 enabled organizations to integrate the requirements of a common management system within a unified framework. PAS 99:2012, based on the ISO 83 guide structure, now sets a common structure followed by all forward-moving management system standards.

Applicability of PAS 99

PAS 99 is designed for use by organizations that have a management system standard or implement different management system standards. It applies to organizations of any size and in all industries.

Integration of Different Management Systems

To integrate different management systems, some elements of the standards were reconstructed to facilitate easier integration. The high-level structure adopted by many new standards includes the following elements:

  • Scope
  • Normative References
  • Terms and Definitions
  • Organizational Context
  • Leadership
  • Planning
  • Support
  • Operation
  • Performance Evaluation
  • Improvement

Benefits of Implementing PAS 99

Some of the benefits of implementing PAS 99 include, but are not limited to:

  1. Meeting diverse standard requirements of your business with a set of policies and procedures, leading to more cohesive and less cumbersome management of standards.
  2. A single audit can cover all existing management systems, offering a way to achieve the ultimate goal with significantly fewer resources.
  3. Improve overall business efficiency by systematically eliminating redundant and repetitive tasks.
  4. Clearly defined roles and responsibilities, merging multiple roles into one, responsible for all overlapping areas.
  5. Continuously improve multiple management systems by providing an integrated overview.

Implementing and Certifying PAS 99 Integrated Management Systems

PAS 99 can be tailored to specific business needs and is built for any organization using multiple certified systems. Specific PAS 99 developers assist your management in designing and implementing a PAS 99 integrated management system. Employees should then be trained to ensure effective implementation of PAS 99, with training types varying based on the organization’s specific needs.

Certification Process of PAS 99

Expect the following in the PAS 99 certification process:

  • Gap Analysis: Assessing differences between PAS 99 requirements and the organization’s existing integrated management system before any subsequent formal assessment.
  • Formal Assessment: Initially evaluating your organization’s readiness for assessing controls and procedures of PAS 99. Any observed gaps will be communicated for rectification. Then, actual implementation of controls and procedures is evaluated.
  • Certification and Beyond: Following formal assessment, a three-year valid PAS 99 certification is issued. The PAS 99 developer manager stays in touch with the user organization, assisting in any improvements.

To obtain ISO certificates, you can contact Iran Govah through WhatsApp.

Compliance and Conformance

Compliance with PAS 99 specifications does not guarantee compliance with other management system standards or specifications. The requirements of each management system standard still need to be addressed to achieve certification. Organizations desiring to demonstrate compliance with PAS 99 can do so to show the existence of an efficient integrated management system.

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