ISO certification (100% valid)

What are the procedures for obtaining an ISO certificate? Who is the valid ISO certificate issuing authority in Iran? What documents do we need to obtain an ISO certificate? What is an ISO certificate and how can one obtain an ISO certificate?

These are important issues for businesses, considering that they don’t know what benefits they will get by receiving ISO certification. What documents do you need to obtain an ISO certificate and how should we purchase an ISO certificate?

The best way to maintain competition, stability and quality between different businesses and industries is defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The ISO organization helps to control and balance the global market through the development of ISO standards. Therefore, you can maintain the competitive advantage by obtaining the ISO certificate.

This article has been prepared and prepared by Iran Govah Information Company to provide useful information for ISO certificate applicants. But in the following, we will discuss what ISO certification is and what is its importance for organizations.

ISO certificate is an official document of organizations that confirms that they have implemented the documents and guidelines of the ISO standard. The ISO certificate documents that the organization has been able to implement a management system, production process, service or documentation procedure to meet all the requirements of standardization and quality assurance.

ISO International Organization creates standards to ensure quality, safety, product performance, service quality and systems. Therefore, ISO certification exists in many fields of industry, food, services, from energy management and social responsibility to medical equipment. ISO standards are created to ensure compatibility.

Obtaining an ISO certificate means that you have been audited by an independent company and have shown that your business meets the requirements of the latest quality standards defined by the ISO organization. ISO certification represents that your business processes are running effectively and are consistent with international best practices.

ISO certification is essential for any organization. ISO certification shows the quality of service or product of organizations and brings them domestic or international credit. You must specify your goals to get ISO certification. So answer the following questions.

  • Would you like your business to be worth 20% more?
  • Would you like to make more profit?
  • Are there areas of your business that could be more efficient?
  • Would you benefit from cost reductions?
  • Are your activities and procedures undocumented?
  • Is improving customer satisfaction important to you?
  • Does your organization spend time fixing existing problems instead of planning strongly for the future?
  • Do your personnel perform work processes in their own way?
  • Does it take a long time for your new staff to familiarize themselves with their work plans?
  • Does your business benefit from increased employee engagement and increased motivation among personnel?

If you need to answer yes to all the above questions, you should start. To get ISO certification, you must prove that your business meets the requirements of the standard. Although it may be time-consuming and scary, we are by your side to achieve this goal in the shortest possible time.

What are the benefits of ISO certification?

With the increase in business competition between organizations in Iran, businesses try to adapt their products or services to internationally recognized quality standards in order to attract more consumers. These companies mainly focus on the quality of the product they produce or the quality of the service they provide.

Therefore, receiving the ISO certificate in Iran serves as the final answer to confirm the quality that can be provided to customers. Finally, to meet the legal requirements of any business, obtaining an ISO certificate is the best option ahead. 5 advantages of having an ISO certificate are as follows.

Customer satisfaction

Meeting the needs of customers is one of the benefits of ISO certification. Customers are very strict when choosing an organization to buy goods or services, and certainly a company that has received ISO can be the best choice. By obtaining ISO certification, businesses not only benefit from short-term benefits, but also increase their marketability in the long-term. It is noteworthy that one of the key goals of quality management systems is customer satisfaction.

more income

When a business receives ISO certification, it can promote its quality certification and also respond to requests for proposals from companies that require ISO certification. Because ISO certification is globally accepted, businesses have the opportunity to take advantage of new market opportunities that they could not do business with prior to ISO certification.

Improve quality

A quality management system (QMS) requires quality standards. As such, one of the effects of integrating a QMS should be to improve the quality level for the entire company. This means promoting quality improvement in product or service delivery.

Increasing satisfaction among customers

Quality translates into everything you produce, as your customers expect. You will not only meet the stated requirements, but also the implicit needs of the customers. Quality means reducing consumer complaints and doing more to resolve those complaints. An ISO-certified business uses an effective quality management system and in itself can understand and deliver what customers expect and increase overall customer satisfaction.

Development of professional culture

A business that is able to effectively implement ISO standard quality management system can empower its employees. A QMS provides your employees with clear and concise instructions on job descriptions and quality objectives. The tools serve as work instructions and procedures as well as quick and actionable feedback on employee performance and process metrics.

Who is the ISO Certification Body?

ISO certification authority is called CB for short or(Certification Body). CBs operate in Iran under different brand names and under the credit of different countries. A CB may operate in Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Tabriz, Arak, Mashhad, Gilan, Sari, Semnan or any other province and issue ISO certification.

Accreditation organization to CBs

Accredited CBs must be accredited by their country’s accreditation body based on the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17021 standard and receive ISO certification. Some companies declare that the ISO issuing authority is approved by the Ministry of Industry and Mines. While the Ministry of Industry and Mines is not in charge of approving ISO certificate issuing institutions.

Every country that operates in the field of standards and standardization has a defined accreditation organization. Accreditation organizations are abbreviated as AB. AB stands for Accreditation Body. For example, AB of Iran is the National Accreditation Center of Iran (NACI).

Therefore, NACI of Iran, as the accreditation body of valid CBs in Iran, specifies the ISO certification authority. Currently, 22 companies have been certified by the Iran Certification Center for ISO certification. You can enter the system of the National Certification Center of Iran to identify the ISO issuing institutions approved by Iran’s certification system.

The ISO issuing authority may issue the ISO certificate under the accreditation of a country other than Iran. For example, the issuing authority may announce that it issues a certificate under the credit of Canada. The question arises for you, who is the crediting institution for CB in Canada?

International Accreditation Bodies (ABs) are recognized and designated by the IAF Accreditation Association.

IAF International Accreditation Organization

IAF stands for International Accreditation Forum. This association introduces its accredited members, which are ABs or accrediting organizations. There are currently 70 ABs recognized by the IAF International Accreditation Association. To identify the valid ABs in the world, it is enough to enter the IAF website.

After understanding how the ISO issuing authority is validated, we will discuss the ISO certification issuing bodies that operate in Iran.

Who is the ISO certification authority under NACI or IAF accreditation?

You have many choices to get ISO certificate in Iran. In general, there are two categories of ISO exporters operating in Iran, each of which has a different credit level. Next, we check the credit level of the ISO certification authority.

International ISO certification authority under IAF accreditation

As mentioned, the ISO issuing authority is called CB. The CBs that are registered and can be queried on WWW.IAFCERTSEARCH.ORG are international ISO certification bodies. Watch the short clip below for how to inquire about a valid ISO certification authority.

How is the validation of the ISO certification authority under the IAF accreditation?

As mentioned, the ISO issuing authority is called CB. The CBs that are registered and can be queried on WWW.IAFCERTSEARCH.ORG are international ISO certification bodies.

ISO certification authority under NACI accreditation of Iran

The National Certification Center of Iran, as the Accreditation Association of Iran (AB), has introduced 22 companies to issue ISO certification in Iran. To get ISO certificate from these companies, make sure that the ISO issuing authority has received the permission to issue your requested certificate. Some authorities are only approved for issuing ISO 9001 certification and they cannot issue certification for food safety management system (ISO 22000 standard).

What are the necessary documents to obtain ISO certification?

The answer to this question depends on the credibility of the issuing authority and the credit level of the ISO issuing authority. However, the necessary documents to obtain a valid ISO certificate are generally as follows.

  • Documentation related to the type of activity.
  • Documents related to regional registration.
  • Documentation related to the establishment of the requested ISO standard requirements.
  • Personnel training documents.
  • Documentation related to compliance or non-compliance of the company’s processes with the requested ISO standard.
  • Documentation of corrective actions.
  • Documents related to internal audit.

In order to obtain a valid ISO by an international ISO issuing authority, you need documents to show the compliance of your work processes with the developed ISO standard. Therefore, you should implement ISO standard documents in your organization. You need an ISO consultant to implement ISO standard requirements and obtain ISO. The experts of Iran Govah Company can guide you in this field.

We can obtain ISO for you at the lowest possible cost and in a short period of time.

What are the procedures for obtaining ISO?

The procedures for obtaining ISO are not very complicated, you just need to know what ISO certificate(s) your business is awarded, and then implement the requested ISO documentation in your collection. The procedures for obtaining ISO are as follows.

1. Specify the type of your business activity.

ISO standards are generally not related to product quality, but are specific to the field of activity of companies. You must implement the requirements of your business type management system in your organization. Implementation of these requirements may provide quality services or products, but does not have a direct impact on production or services. So you need to specify the type of your business so that you can implement the requirements of the relevant management system.

2. Determine the ISO standards related to your type of business.

The three standards ISO 9001 (Quality Management System), ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System) and ISO 45001 (Health and Safety Management System) are general and any company, organization or business can apply for ISO. But the ISO organization has also developed and published standards for specialized businesses. For example, obtaining ISO 22000 for businesses that produce, package, distribute and buy and sell food products.

3. Determine your ISO issuing authority according to organizational goals.

Do you need ISO only for advertising, branding, participating in tenders or finally being present in the markets around the Persian Gulf, do you only need to have an ISO certificate that will be inquired about, then you can get ISO from private CBs.

If you need to obtain ISO for validation by government organizations or to participate in tenders of government organizations such as Saipa Yadak or Iran Khodro, you must do so by the ISO issuing authority that is validated through Iran’s NACI.

If you need an ISO certificate to export to developed European countries or developing countries in order to enter global markets, it is recommended to obtain ISO from the authorities that are consulted by the IAF website.

4. Implement the documents related to the requested ISO standard in your organization.

For example, if you need to obtain ISO 9001 certification, check the instructions, checklists, regulations and procedures for implementing the requirements of the quality management system standard (ISO 9001), implement its documentation and take care of them.

5. After implementing the ISO documents, conduct an internal audit.

The internal audit phase is very critical before the main audit by the ISO issuing authority auditor. You may have detours that have not yet been identified. Therefore, internal audit will help you identify deviations and define corrective actions for them.

Internal audit can be done by QC unit or an ISO consulting company. Companies that operate in the consulting sector for the implementation of ISO standard requirements can help you to complete the documents and procedures for obtaining ISO. The path to obtaining ISO certification is smoother with the help of an ISO consultant, and you pay less for ISO certification.

6. Announce your readiness for an audit to the selected ISO certification authority.

After completing the above steps and ensuring that the documents are fully implemented, you should inform the selected ISO issuing authority so that they can audit you.

7. ISO certification.

After submitting the auditor’s report of the completed process, the requested ISO certificate is issued to the applicants by the issuing authority’s technical team.

8. Maintain the implemented ISO documentation.

After receiving the ISO certificate, you should try to take care of the created documentation. The issued ISO certificate is valid for three years, and you have to conduct a maintenance audit and renew the ISO certificate annually. To renew the ISO certificate, you need all the ISO documents created in previous years.

The ISO certificate is valid for three years and you must renew it every year after the ISO is issued. The maintenance audit process will be the same as the issuance audit process, and the cost of renewing the ISO certificate is approximately 50% of the initial issuance cost.

How much does ISO certification cost?

The cost of obtaining ISO certification by ISO certification authorities is different and depends on the type of ISO standard requested, the choice of ISO issuing authority, the type of activity of your organization, the size of your organization, the number of organizational personnel, the number of sites of the requesting company.

The cost of obtaining an ISO certificate under the credit of the IAF Association is as described in the following table:

ISO certificate requestedCountry of referenceCreditor AssociationISO issuance cost
ISO 9001South Korea, England, Italy, TurkeyIAF899$
ISO 14001South Korea, England, Italy, TurkeyIAF899$
ISO 45001South Korea, England, Italy, TurkeyIAF899$
ISO 27001South Korea, England, Italy, TurkeyIAF999$
ISO 20000South Korea, England, Italy, TurkeyIAF999$
ISO 22000South Korea, England, Italy, TurkeyIAF999$
ISO 50001South Korea, England, Italy, TurkeyIAF999$
ISO 29001South Korea, England, Italy, TurkeyIAF999$
ISO 13485South Korea, England, Italy, TurkeyIAF1149$
ISO 10002South Korea, England, Italy, TurkeyIAF899$
ISO 10004South Korea, England, Italy, TurkeyIAF899$
ISO 21502South Korea, England, Italy, TurkeyIAF1049$
ISO 10006South Korea, England, Italy, TurkeyIAF999$
ISO 22716South Korea, England, Italy, TurkeyIAF999$
ISO 26000South Korea, England, Italy, TurkeyIAF1049$
ISO 31000South Korea, England, Italy, TurkeyIAF1049$
HSE-MSSouth Korea, England, Italy, TurkeyIAF899$
HACCPSouth Korea, England, Italy, TurkeyIAF1049$
GMPSouth Korea, England, Italy, TurkeyIAF1149$
IMSSouth Korea, England, Italy, TurkeyIAFFree

How to obtain ISO certificate immediately?

The ISO certificate that is issued immediately has an inquiry code and can be tracked and inquired by the issuing authority website.

The Iran Certification Consulting Center performs matters related to ISO certification online and without visiting in person. We can communicate with applicants by means of communication such as email, WhatsApp, Telegram and proceed with matters related to receiving the ISO certificate.

What is the validity of the ISO certificate?

The issued ISO certificate is valid for three years. You need to renew your ISO certificate so that you don’t have any problems with inquiries.

Once an organization receives ISO certification, it is valid for 3 years. ISO standard requirements created for certification must be regularly maintained to confirm their compliance with the defined requirements of the international ISO organization, and to achieve the intended goals.

ISO documentation should be maintained for both continuous improvement and renewal. Also, the certification authority or registrar must conduct periodic reviews every 3 years to ensure that the system is maintained and rooted in the organization’s processes and procedures.

Obtaining ISO certification for organizations and implementing ISO standard requirements is a continuous movement and not an end state. For certified companies, continuous improvement and maintaining compliance is a more difficult path than first-time certification. But, this can be simplified by managing changes in documents and processes using an enterprise quality management system.

How to check the ISO certificate?

You should inquire about the company or the tracking code registered in the certificate through the IAF website.

The benefits of obtaining ISO certification by Iran Govah Consulting

We can get your requested ISO certificate at the lowest price. The benefits of obtaining an ISO certificate by Iran Govah are as follows:

  • Obtaining an ISO certificate from an authorized authority under the IAF accreditation.
  • Variety in the selection of ISO certification authority
  • Free consultation to choose an ISO certification authority according to organizational goals.
  • Providing all requested ISO documents.
  • Three free online training sessions to use and implement ISO standard requirements.
  • Providing free IMS certificate for applicants who apply for ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 certificates.
  • Commitment to answering all the challenges and questions of the applicants even after receiving the ISO certificate.
  • Support and follow-up with applicants within three years of the validity of the received ISO certificate to renew the ISO certificate.
  • Obtain ISO certification in the shortest possible time.
  • Obtain ISO certification at the lowest possible cost.
  • Financial transparency.
  • Implementation of ISO standard requirements in the shortest possible time.

If you have any questions about obtaining an ISO certificate, the cost of issuing an ISO certificate, obtaining a valid ISO certificate under IAF accreditation, or how to request an ISO certificate, please contact us.

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